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Research Opportunities

undergraduate research opportunities

The College of Science has a long tradition of exceptional research. Working in a lab is one of the best experiences you can pursue as a College of Science student. Faculty across campus are in need of your skills and can provide you with hands-on training to strengthen your abilities as a researcher. Students across campus are participating in cutting-edge research that is making an impact on daily lives. Undergraduate students have many opportunities to participate in research in the College, as well as opportunities on the Health Sciences (Medical) Campus. Undergraduate research opportunities can come in the form of:

The best time to start your research is now! Students can find a wide variety of opportunities in their major or in a topic that interests them.

Where to start? Current professors are a great resource - they can connect you to research labs and faculty peers. College departments maintain a list of open opportunities, and your academic advisor or college internship coordinator can help you reach out to find opportunities.

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