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SRI Team

Josh Steffen, Ph.D.
SRI Director; Associate Professor Lecturer
Josh Steffen, Ph.D.
Heather Briggs, Ph.D.
SRI Associate Director; Associate Instructor
Heather Briggs, Ph.D.
Ryan M. Stolley, Ph.D.
SRI Associate Director; Associate Instructor
Ryan M. Stolley, Ph.D.
Laura Rupert
SRI Project Coordinator
Laura Rupert
Josh Scholl, Ph.D.
SRI Fellow
Josh Scholl, Ph.D.
Rodolfo Probst, Ph.D.
SRI Fellow
Rodolfo Probst, Ph.D.
Selvi Kara, Ph.D.
SRI Fellow
Selvi Kara, Ph.D.
Gennie Parkman, Ph.D.
SRI Fellow
Gennie Parkman, Ph.D.
Mikhael Semaan, Ph.D.
SRI Fellow
Mikhael Semaan, Ph.D.
Austin Green, Ph.D.
SRI Fellow
Austin Green, Ph.D.

Josh Steffen, Ph.D.

Associate Professor Lecturer

Josh Steffen, Ph.D.

Associate Professor Lecturer
Josh received his BA in biology and secondary education from St. Olaf College. He carried his Ph.D. and post-doctoral research at the University of Utah where he studied plant reproductive development with Gary in the lab of Gary Drews. He carried out post-doctoral research in the lab of Richard Clark where he studied natural variation in gene expression. Over the past 8 years he has held faculty positions at Colby-Sawyer College and Utah Valley University where he focussed on undergraduate education. In 2018 he accepted a position in the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Utah. Currently, Josh manages the Science Research Initiative (SRI), teaches courses associated with the SRI, and mentors multiple undergraduate research groups. Undergraduates working with Josh are using metagenomic approaches to characterize pollinator foraging behaviors, attempting to identify novel antimicrobials, and carry out genetic analysis of maize mutants.

Heather Briggs, Ph.D.

Associate Instructor

Heather Briggs, Ph.D.

Associate Instructor
Heather completed a M.S. at the University of Michigan (Natural Resources) and a Ph.D at the University of California, Santa Cruz (Environmental Studies & Ecology and Evolutionary Biology). She went on to complete two postdoctoral positions, first at Harvard, then at UC Irvine. Heather now helps manage the SRI where she empowers students to work through hypothesis generation, experimentation, and interpretation. As an evolutionary community ecologist, Heather’s research is motivated by the desire to understand how variation in community context influences the outcome of biotic interactions. Through the exploration of the various determinants of insect behavior, plant ecology, and floral evolution, her research considers the importance of context-dependent interactions from both the plant and pollinator perspectives.

Ryan M. Stolley, Ph.D.

Associate Instructor

Ryan M. Stolley, Ph.D.

Associate Instructor
Ryan received his BS in chemistry from Fort Lewis College and Ph.D in organic chemistry from the University of Utah. He then conducted a post-doctoral appointment at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’ Center for Molecular Electrocatalysis. After PNNL, he was a AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow in the US Department of Energy’s Solar Energy Technologies office. Ryan is currently an assistant research professor in the chemistry department where he works with numerous groups as a synthetic chemistry specialist, co-director of the SRI, and chairperson of the Salt Lake section of the American Chemical Society. Ryan’s research is in fundamental organic and organometallic chemistry uncovering new reaction paradigms using underexplored or entirely new functional groups, exotic ligands for rare-earth element coordination, and a variety of exotic conducting materials.

Laura Rupert

SRI Project Coordinator

Laura Rupert

SRI Project Coordinator