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Staff: Cyri Dixon

physics advisor cyri dixon wins outstanding new advisor Award


The College of Science is pleased to announce that Cyri Dixon received the New Outstanding Advisor Award for 2021. Cyri is an advisor in the Department of Physics & Astronomy.

Comments from students and faculty:

Cyri is an incredible advocate for students. She is kind and thoughtful and makes you feel comfortable expressing your feelings about things. She is the best physics advisor I have had. ~student comment

Thanks for everything you do. People like you make the world turn.~Dr. Rich Ingebretsen, faculty

Whenever I am worried about a student, Cyri knows what is going on or knows what to do to address the problem. Thank you Cyri for your help, patience and for caring about all our students. ~Dr. Tugdual Stephan Lebohec, faculty

Cyri has been a terrific advisor for me. She has always been available for chats or emails and been quick to respond to all of my questions, even unusual or specific ones that are only tangentially related to completing a physics degree. After every meeting I’ve had with her I tell my wife, “she’s a great advisor.” I think Cyri absolutely deserves this award. ~student comment

Cyri is one of the nicest people I have ever met. She is very quick to respond to any questions, she’s always willing to help out no matter what. She has always been able to help me out with whatever I have needed. She’s very easy to talk to and she makes you feel like you can do just about anything. ~student comment

The College of Science and the Department of Physics & Astronomy appreciate the exceptional performance Cyri Dixon brings to her role every day. Her impact is felt through the College and across the University. Congrats, Cyri!