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Discover 2018

Research Report

Discover Magazine

2018 Research Report for the College of Science


This issue of Discover presents the stories and experiences of people who make the College of Science extraordinary. People just like you. You’re invited to discover the College in new and meaningful ways and to support our mission of student education, scientific discovery, and economic impact in Utah.

Featured Scientific Research
Scientific discoveries from each discipline in the College – Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics and Astronomy – are highlighted in this issue of Discover. Faculty members Leslie Sieburth, Scott Anderson, Christel Hohenegger, and Andrey Rogachev demonstrate how basic scientific research continues to impact and fuel Utah’s economy by providing new technologies and solutions.

School of Biological Sciences
In July, the Department of Biology was renamed the School of Biological Sciences to better represent the size and structure of the faculty research areas. The School has major thrusts in three research divisions: Cellular and Molecular, Ecology and Physiology, and Genetics and Evolution.

Imagine New Heights
The University of Utah is positioned to define the model of a 21st century University. The University's faculty, staff, and students conduct breakthrough research and scholarship, creating new knowledge, and translating those new discoveries and insights into practice – essential tasks to ensure Utah’s position in an increasingly competitive global environment. Imagine New Heights