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Debate 2020

Election 2020

On October 7, the University of Utah is hosting the 2020 Vice Presidential Debate.

"Civic engagement is a core value of our nation and, as we host the 2020 Vice Presidential debate, Utah students will be able to learn about the political process and experience firsthand how being involved matters." —Ruth V. Watkins, President of the University of Utah


Let your voice be heard. VOTE!

Voting may not seem important to science majors and faculty, but participation is incredibly important. A voice for science in federal, state, and local politics provides a crucial point of view for our world. Much of the funding decisions that support scientific research and discovery occurs on the federal level, so what happens in Washington, D.C. impacts our College of Science community.

STEM students least likely to vote.

A Tufts University survey of university students across the US reports that STEM students are the least likely of any subject group to vote. In 2016, the humanities turnout was 53%. The STEM turnout was 43%. The Union of Concerned Scientists provides students with voter registration information and trains scientists for involvement in policy and advocacy.


The Condorcet Paradox

Looking for a scientific perspective on our electoral process? Learn how mathematical analysis makes a difference in the political process through this video of Professor Tom Alberts explaining the Condorcet Paradox.