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Productivity Resources

Productivity resources

Stay safe. stay healthy. Stay connected.

The Covid-19 pandemic has taken a toll across university campuses. Below are some tips to help manage stress and focus on staying productive while working remotely.

  1. Take care of yourself. 
  2. Learn a new skill or technique: Invest time in broadening your research focus.
  3. Revisit a long forgotten project: Do you have publishable results that have been on the shelf?
  4. Promote your work online: Update your website or FAR.
  5. Create a graphical abstract of your research: Use this on your website; share it with your departments’ development team.
  6. Apply for funding: Check out the Faculty Funding Opportunities emails from the CoS.  
  7. Think about your career plans: Write a plan for yourself.
  8. Conduct informational interviews: Meet on Zoom to brainstorm about new research directions.
  9. Be nice to your fellow humans: Check in with your research group and colleagues.  Offer encouragement and celebrate accomplishments.
  10. Do fun stuff: Fun projects, fun brainstorming, add fun to your personal life (while staying safe, of course)!

*Adapted from AAAS: Advice for working from home during COVID-19 (Bodewits, 2020).

  • Three questions to ask yourself each day:
    • What choices am I making about the things I have control over?  If you’re feeling overwhelmed, consider what choices you can make about the information you receive and whether that information is serving you well.
    • What do I need, physically, intellectually, emotionally?  Do this at the beginning of the day. Use this self-dialog to build your schedule.
    • What is good right now?  Identifying positive things helps control fear and panic, allowing you to better focus on the tasks at hand. 
  • NCFDD Resources: COVID-19
  • Core Curriculum  Note that for each webinar, you can navigate to the “Resources” tab, where you will find a summary and discussion questions.  Some webinars also feature templates and examples for further reading.

*Adapted from the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD). The UofU is an NCFDD institutional member, so access to these resources is free.  To create your account, choose “Become a member” in the upper right corner of the page, and choose our institution from the drop down menu.  Then “Activate your membership” to create your own account using your email address.